10-Minute Ab Workout


This 10-minute ab workout is perfect for beginners. It includes four exercises that target the abs and core. The first exercise is a plank.

Planks are great for toning the abs and improving posture. The second exercise is a side plank. Side planks target the obliques, or sides of the waist.

The third exercise is a crunch. Crunches work the rectus abdominis, or front of the abs. The fourth and final exercise is a Pilates move called “the Hundred.”

This move targets all areas of the abs and strengthens the deep abdominal muscles.

There are many benefits to working out your abdominal muscles. Not only does a strong core help protect your spine and improve your posture, but it can also make you look and feel great! And there’s no need to spend hours at the gym to see results.

This 10-minute ab workout is perfect for beginners and can be done at home with no equipment necessary. Start by lying on your back on a mat or carpeted surface with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows pulled in so that they don’t touch the floor.

Use your abs to slowly curl up, bringing your chin toward your chest as you lift your shoulders off the ground. Hold for a count of two, then lower back down and repeat 12-15 times. Next, still lying on your back, bring both knees in toward your chest with both hands clasped around them.

Use your abs to curl up into a “crunch” position, then hold for a count of two before lowering back down. Repeat 12-15 times. For the last exercise, again start by lying on your back with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

This time reach both arms straight overhead before using your abs to sit all the way up into a seated position, keeping both arms overhead throughout the movement.

Best 10-Minute Ab Workout

Looking to tighten up your tummy without spending hours at the gym? We’ve got you covered with this 10-minute ab workout. All you need is a little space and something to prop your feet up on (a chair, couch, or even the wall will do).

This routine hits all of the major muscle groups in your core: transverse abdominis (the deep abdominal muscle that wraps around your sides), rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscle), and internal and external obliques (the muscles on the sides of your waist). And it does so using a variety of exercises that challenge your abs from different angles. Do each exercise for 30 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Repeat the entire circuit 2-3 times for a total of 10 minutes.

10 Minute Ab Workout

Credit: www.pinterest.com

Is a 10 Minute Ab Workout Effective?

Most people believe that they need to do long, drawn-out workouts in order to see results. However, this isn’t always the case – especially when it comes to abs. In fact, you can get a great ab workout in as little as 10 minutes.

Here’s how: 1. Choose the right exercises: Not all exercises are created equal. When it comes to working your abs, you want to choose exercises that target all of the different muscle groups in your core.

This includes your rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscles), internal and external obliques (side muscles), and transverse abdominis (deep abdominal muscle). A few good exercises to include in your 10-minute routine are crunches, Reverse Crunches, Bicycle Crunches, and Pilates Scissor Kicks. 2. Perform each exercise with proper form: It’s not just about doing the right exercises – it’s also about doing them correctly.

When performing each exercise, be sure to use proper form in order to maximize results and prevent injury. For example, when doing crunches, be sure to curl your chin towards your chest and tuck your pelvis under so that you’re using your abs – not your hip flexors – to lift your upper body off the ground. 3. Increase difficulty over time: As you become more comfortable with the routine and start to see results, challenge yourself by increasing the difficulty of the exercises.

This can mean adding weight (holding a dumbbell or medicine ball while performing crunches), increasing reps (aiming for 20+ per set), or adding new challenging moves (like hanging leg raises). By gradually making things more difficult, you’ll keep seeing results week after week.

What is the Best 10 Minute Ab Workout?

There are a lot of different ab workouts out there, and it can be tough to know which one is right for you. If you’re looking for a quick, 10-minute workout that will help tone your abs, we’ve got the perfect routine for you. This 10-minute ab workout hits all the major muscles in your core, including the rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscle), the obliques (the muscles on the sides of your waist), and the transverse abdominis (the deep abdominal muscle that helps stabilize your spine).

By targeting all these different muscles, you’ll get a well-rounded workout that will leave you feeling strong and toned. The best part about this workout is that it can be done anywhere, anytime. All you need is a mat or towel to lie on.

And since it’s only 10 minutes long, it’s perfect for busy days when you don’t have much time to spare. To get started, do each exercise for 30 seconds followed by a 15-second rest. Once you’ve completed all four exercises, rest for 1 minute and then repeat the circuit two more times.

Trust us, your abs will be feeling this workout tomorrow!

How Fast Can I Get a 6 Pack?

A six-pack of abs is the Holy Grail for many fitness enthusiasts. After all, what’s not to love about a shredded midsection? But how fast can you actually get a six-pack?

The answer depends on several factors, including your starting point and how dedicated you are to the cause. For some people, it could take just a few weeks of hard work to see results. Others may need to put in months (or even years) of consistent effort before their abdominals start to pop.

Here’s a closer look at what you can expect when trying to achieve a six-pack. How long does it take to get a six-pack? If you’re already relatively lean with some visible abdominal definition, then you may be able to get asix-pack in as little as four to eight weeks with the right diet and exercise program.

This timeline assumes that you’re doing targeted ab workouts at least three times per week and eating in a calorie deficit so that you can lose body fat while preserving muscle mass. If you have more body fat to lose, then it will obviously take longer to reveal your abs. It’s not uncommon for people who are overweight or obeseto spend several months (or even years) slowly shedding pounds and building up abdominal definition through strength training and cardiovascular exercise before they finally achieve their goal.

Of course, genetics also play a role in how quickly (or slowly) someone can develop a six-pack. If your parents or grandparents sported rock-hard abs well into their older years, then chances are good that you will too – assuming you put in the work required!

How Many Calories Do You Burn by Doing a 10 Minute Ab Workout?

A 10 minute ab workout will burn approximately 50-60 calories. The number of calories burned will depend on the intensity of the workout and the individual’s weight.

10 MIN AB WORKOUT // No Equipment | Pamela Reif


This blog post outlines a 10-minute ab workout that can be done at home with no equipment. The workout consists of four exercises that target the different abdominal muscles groups. The first exercise is a crunch, which works the upper abs.

The second exercise is a reverse crunch, which targets the lower abs. The third exercise is a side plank, which hits the obliques. And lastly, the fourth exercise is a Pilates move called “the hundred,” which works all of the abdominal muscles at once.

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