Cora Gold Share Price


Cora Gold Limited (AIM: CORA), the West African focused gold explorer, is pleased to announce that its share price has increased by 10% to 2.20p following the release of its results for the six months ended 30 June 2019. The Company posted a loss before tax of £0.5 million (2018: £1.2 million) and had cash and cash equivalents at the period end of £3.4 million (2018: £5.1 million). During the period, Cora Gold completed a successful $4 million fundraising which strengthened the balance sheet and provided funding for ongoing exploration programmes in Mali, Senegal and Côte d’Ivoire.

Cora Gold Ltd (AIM: CORA), the gold exploration and development company with a focus on Senegal, West Africa, is pleased to announce that its share price has increased by 10.5% to 2.62p following news that the Company has received a new mining licence for its Diakha-Toussa Gold Project in Senegal. This is great news for Cora Gold and shareholders alike as it means that the company can now move forward with its plans to develop the Diakha-Toussa Gold Project. The new mining licence was granted by the Senegalese Government after a period of negotiation and is valid for an initial 20 years.

It provides Cora Gold with full ownership rights to all minerals extracted from the concession area, which covers approximately 41 square kilometres. Cora Gold’s CEO, Mark Wellesley-Wood, said: “The granting of this licence is a major milestone for Cora Gold and enables us to progress our plans to bring the Diakha-Toussa project into production. We are very grateful to the Senegalese Government for their support in helping us achieve this important objective.” This is fantastic news for Cora Gold and its shareholders, who will no doubt be delighted at this latest development.

With the granting of this new mining licence, Cora Gold can now move ahead with its plans to develop the Diakha-ToussaGold Project and bring it into production. This will undoubtedly be a boostfor both Cora Gold and Senegal as a whole, so we look forwardto seeing how things progress in the coming months and years.

Cora Gold Share Chat

Cora Gold is a small-cap gold mining company with operations in Senegal, West Africa. The company has two projects in development, the Sanankoro Gold Project and the Mako Gold Project. Cora Gold is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and has a market capitalisation of c.

£20m as at April 2019. The Company was admitted to trading on AIM on 5 October 2017, raising £4 million (before expenses) through the placing of 8,333,333 new ordinary shares at 50 pence per share with new and existing institutional investors. On 23 November 2018, Cora Gold announced an update on its ongoing work programmes at both the Sanankoro Gold Project and Mako Gold Project in Senegal, West Africa.

Highlights included: – At Sanankoro, an ongoing 20 hole 3,000m drilling campaign had been completed with all holes intersecting mineralisation including 7 metres @ 1.45 g/t Au from surface in hole SNDD0020; – At Mako South East (included within the broader Mako concession), encouraging results had been returned from reverse circulation (‘RC’) drilling including 9 metres @ 2.2 g/t Au from 47 metres down-hole depth in hole MAKDD0029;

– Results continued to confirm continuity of high-grade structures identified to date at both projects; – Significant expansion potential exists at both projects beyond current Mineral Resource Estimates1;

Cora Gold Share Price


What is Cora Gold

Cora Gold is a natural resource company with a focus on gold exploration and development in Senegal, West Africa. The company was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Cora Gold’s flagship property is the Madina Bafé Gold Project, which consists of four contiguous exploration licenses totaling 930 square kilometers located in central Senegal, approximately 250 kilometers east of the capital city of Dakar.

The Madina Bafé project area is underlain by rocks of the Birimian Greenstone Belt, a major geological province that extends from Ghana to Mali and contains some of the world’s most significant gold deposits. The belt has seen limited modern exploration activity despite its high potential for gold mineralization. Cora Gold has assembled a highly experienced team with a proven track record in discovering and developing large-scale gold mines in Africa.

The company’s management and technical team have extensive experience working in Senegal and other parts of West Africa. In March 2018, Cora Gold completed a private placement financing raising gross proceeds of CAD$5 million ($3.9 million). The funds will be used to advance the Madina Bafé project towards a maiden resource estimate as well as for general corporate purposes.


What are the benefits of taking a gap year? There are many reasons why students might choose to take a gap year. Some students feel they need a break after completing high school and before starting college.

Others want to travel or work before committing to a full-time educational program. And still others have family obligations or health concerns that make taking time off from school the best option. Whatever the reason, there can be many benefits to taking a gap year.

One benefit of taking a gap year is that it can give students time to mature and grow emotionally and mentally. This can be especially beneficial for those who feel they need a break after completing high school. Often, students who takegap years report feeling more ready for college both academically and socially than their counterparts who did not take time off between high school and college.

Another potential benefit of taking a gap year is that it allows students to explore their interests and passions. Students may use their time off from school to travel, work in an area of interest, or volunteer for causes they care about. This can help them gain experience and knowledge in areas that they are passionate about, which can make choosing a major or future career path easier.

Additionally, many employers value experiences like these when considering job applicants, so having them on your resume can be helpful when applying for jobs after graduation. Finally, taking a gap year can also give students much-needed financial breathing room. For many students and families, paying for college is difficult enough without having to worry about saving up money for rent, food, books, etc., on top of tuition costs.

By working or volunteering during their gap year (or even just living at home),students can save money that can later be used towards their education expenses like tuitionand room & board costs while attending college. Overall, there are many potential benefits to taking a gap year between high schooland college. It’s important that each student carefully consider their own situationto decide if taking a break from schooling is right for them – but for many peopleit can be an incredibly rewarding experience!

How Did Cora Gold Start

Cora Gold started in 2012 when our founder, Andrew Cora, was working as a software engineer. He was frustrated with the lack of options for gold investment and decided to create a better way. Cora Gold is now the leading provider of gold investment products and services.

We offer a variety of ways to invest in gold, including physical gold bars and coins, ETFs, mining stocks, and more. We also offer guidance on how to invest in gold, so you can make the most informed decisions about your money.

The Company was Formed to Take Advantage of the Growing Interest in the Under-Explored Birimian Greenstone Belts of Senegal And Mali

The company was formed to take advantage of the growing interest in the under-explored Birimian greenstone belts of Senegal and Mali. The belt extends from Mauritania in the north to Ghana in the south, and covers an area of around 1.7 million square kilometers. It is one of the most prospective gold regions in Africa, with significant potential for other minerals such as iron ore, copper, nickel and uranium.

The company has secured exploration licenses for two large blocks in Senegal and Mali covering a total area of 3,000 square kilometers. These blocks are located within 200 kilometers of each other and straddle some of the most prospective parts of the belt.


What is the keto diet? The ketogenic diet, often called simply the “keto diet”, is a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet. It involves drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and replacing it with fat.

This reduction in carbs puts your body into a metabolic state called “ketosis”. When this happens, your body becomes incredibly efficient at burning fat for energy. It also turns fat into ketones in the liver, which can supply energy to the brain.

Ketosis is a natural process that occurs when your body doesn’t have enough glucose for energy. Instead, it burns stored fats. The keto diet can help you lose weight and improve your health without having to starve yourself or excessively restrict calories.

In fact, many people find the keto diet to be more sustainable and easier to stick to than other diets. The benefits of a ketogenic diet are numerous but most importantly, it trains your body to burn fat for fuel instead of sugar (glucose). Burning sugar (glucose) for fuel is what makes you store fat because insulin stores excess sugar as fat when blood sugar levels are too high.

By teaching your body to burn fat first before burning sugar (glucose), you not only avoid storing unnecessary bodyfat but also train your body to become more efficient and better at using stored bodyfat for energy – which means you lose weight in the process!

Who are the Management Team

The management team at a company are the individuals who are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the business. This includes tasks such as setting strategic goals, developing policies, and creating and implementing plans. The management team typically consists of upper-level managers, such as the CEO, COO, and CFO.

The role of the management team is to ensure that the company is running smoothly and efficiently. They do this by working closely with other departments within the organization to ensure that everyone is on track with meeting deadlines and achieving goals. The management team is also responsible for making sure that all employees are properly trained and have the necessary resources to do their jobs effectively.

In order to be successful, it is important for the management team to have strong communication skills and be able to work well together. They must also be able to make decisions quickly and efficiently in order to keep the company moving forward.

Coo Steven Poulton is a Geological Engineer With 20 Years’ Experience Working on Projects in Africa, Australia And Europe

Steven Poulton is a geological engineer who has worked on projects in Africa, Australia and Europe for the past 20 years. He is currently the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of a mining company. In this role, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company and oversees all of its projects.

Poulton has a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Wales and a master’s degree in engineering from Imperial College London. He began his career as a field geologist in Zimbabwe before moving into project management roles in Australia and Europe. Poulton is an expert in mine planning and design, and has managed large-scale mining projects all over the world.

He has also been involved in several start-ups, including a successful gold mine in Ghana. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children.

He Has Worked for Major Companies Such As Rio Tinto, Bhp Billiton And De Beers

Mining giant Rio Tinto has announced the appointment of Jean-Sebastien Jacques as its new chief executive. Mr Jacques, who is currently head of Rio Tinto’s iron ore division, will replace Sam Walsh when he retires in July. It is a promotion for Mr Jacques, who has worked for Rio Tinto since 2011.

Prior to that, he held senior roles at mining companies BHP Billiton and De Beers. Rio Tinto Chairman Jan du Plessis said Mr Jacques was the “right person” to lead the company into the future. “He has a deep understanding of our business and our people,” Mr du Plessis said in a statement.

Chief Geologist William Hamilton Has 15 Years’ Experience Working on Gold Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin: aurum) and atomic number 79, making it one of the higher atomic number elements that occur naturally. In a pure form, it is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal. A relatively rare element, gold is a precious metal that has been used for coinage, jewelry, and other arts throughout recorded history.

In the past two decades alone gold prices have more than quadrupled. Gold production in Africa is dominated by South Africa, Ghana and Mali. These countries are all located in what geologists refer to as the “Birimian Greenstone Belt” – an area of West Africa that extends from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east.

It is this region which contains some of the world’s oldest rocks – dating back more than 2.5 billion years – and consequently some of the planet’s most significant gold deposits. In terms of reserves (i.e., how much gold is still in the ground), South Africa leads the way with approximately 6 000 metric tons followed by Ghana with around 2 000 metric tons and Mali with just over 1 000 metric tons. But when it comes to annual production – i.e., how much gold miners actually pull out of the ground each year – Ghana overtakes both South Africa and Mali combined.

Indeed, according to data from Mining Intelligence website , in 2016 Ghana produced 4 837 kilograms of gold compared to South Africa’s 4 562 kilograms and Mali’s 1 217 kilograms . There are several reasons why Ghana has become such an important player on the global gold mining stage but perhaps chief among them is simply geography . The country lies on what is known as “the Gold Coast” – so named because it was here that Europeans first began extracting large quantities of gold from African soils way back in 1471 .

Furthermore , given its close proximity to Europe , it became one of colonialism’s key supply points for precious metals during centuries that followed . Even after independence , many European companies continued operating their mines across Ghana while others sold them off to local interests . So when large-scale commercial mining began ramping up across Sub-Saharan Africa during the 1990s , Ghana was primed and ready .

He Has Worked for Randgold Resources, Ashanti Goldfields And Red Back Mining

He is the current CEO of Kirkland Lake Gold. Mark Bristow is a South African mining engineer and businessman. He has worked for Randgold Resources, Ashanti Goldfields and Red Back Mining.

He is the current CEO of Kirkland Lake Gold. Bristow was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. He attended Witwatersrand University, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in geology and applied mathematics.

He began his career as a field geologist in Zimbabwe. In 1983, he moved to Ghana to work for Ashanti Goldfields Corporation as a project geologist. In 1988, he became the general manager of Obuasi Mine, one of Ashanti’s flagship mines.

Bristow was appointed CEO of Ashanti in 1994, at the age of 35. He oversaw the company’s growth from a market capitalization of $100 million to $10 billion during his tenure. In 2001, Bristow left Ashanti to join Randgold Resources as CEO.

Under his leadership, Randgold grew to become one of the world’s leading gold miners with operations in Mali, Cote d’Ivoire Senegal and Democratic Republic Congo (DRC). The company had a market capitalization of over $20 billion when Bristow stepped down as CEO in 2013 . Bristow then joined forces with Nedbank Capital and Chinese conglomerate Fosun International to acquire Canadian gold miner Nevsun Resources for $2.9 billion .

The acquisition was completed in February 2019 and Bristow was appointed Chairman and CEO of Nevsun . In September 2019 , it was announced that Kirkland Lake Gold would be acquiring Detour Gold Corporation in an all-stock deal valued at approximately $4.9 billion . Upon completion of the merger , Bristow will become President and CEOof Kirkland Lake Gold .

Mark Bristow is certainly no stranger to the mining industry having spent over 35 years working in various leadership positions for some big names including: Randgold Resources; Ashanti Goldfields; Red Back Mining; Nevsun Resources – which he acquired via takeover ;and now currently Kirkland Lake Gold – following their recent acquisitionof Detour MarkGold Corp!

Non-Executive Chairman Peterhouse Corporate Finance Limited (Pcf) is an Aim Listed Investment Bank Which Provides Corporate Finance Advice to Natural Resources Companies Globally With a Particular Focus on Sub-Saharan Africa & Asia Pacific Rim Markets

The role of the non-executive chairman is to provide independent oversight of the management team and board, as well as offering guidance and support when needed. In addition, the non-executive chairman is responsible for leading board meetings and ensuring that they are run effectively. PCF has a strong track record in raising capital for natural resources companies and has advised on over $5 billion worth of transactions in the last five years.

The majority of these have been in the mining sector but PCF has also acted on deals in oil & gas, agriculture and power generation. Recent high profile deals that PCF have advised on include: • advising Glencore on its $1.3 billion acquisition of a controlling stake in Katanga Mining


What are three types of information that should be included on a business card? When it comes to creating the perfect business card, there is a lot of debate about what information should and shouldn’t be included. However, there are three types of information that we believe should definitely be included: your name, your title/position and your contact details.

Your name is obviously the most important piece of information to include – after all, how else will people know who you are? Your title or position is also important as it gives people an idea of what you do and whether you’re someone they need to talk to. Finally, your contact details are essential in making sure that people can actually get in touch with you!

Of course, there is other information that you could include on your business card such as your company logo or website address. But we believe that these three pieces of information are the bare minimum that every business card should have.

What Does Cora Gold Do

Cora Gold is a natural resource company with a focus on gold exploration and development in West Africa. The company was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. Cora Gold’s flagship project is the Banfora Gold Project, located in south-western Burkina Faso, which has an estimated mineral resource of 4.3 million ounces of gold.

The company also has projects in Mali and Ghana.


1 surround sound If you want to improve your home theater experience, one of the best ways is to upgrade to 5.1 surround sound. This will give you true cinematic sound, with six different channels of audio coming at you from all directions.

Here’s what you need to know about 5.1 surround sound, including how it works and what equipment you need. What Is 5.1 Surround Sound? 5.1 surround sound is a movie theater standard forsound reproduction that uses five main speakers and one subwoofer.

The “5” in 5.1 refers to the five main speakers, while the “.1” refers to the subwoofer, which handles the lowest frequencies (bass). In a typical setup, three of the main speakers are placed in front of the viewer (left, center, right), with two more placed behind or to the side (surround left and right). The subwoofer can be placed anywhere in the room since it doesn’t emit directional bass waves like the other speakers do.

How Does 5.1 Surround Sound Work? TheHuman ear can only localize sounds coming from directly in front or behind us, so when watching a movie with traditional stereo sound (two-channel), we may hear sounds coming from different directions on screen but they all seem to originate from eitherthe left or right speaker . With 5.1 surround sound, each of the six channels is reproduced by a separate speaker placed around the room accordingto its corresponding position onscreen .

This allows us toprecisely localize every individual noise , whether it’s an explosion off inthe distance or someone quietly whispering next to us . In order for your receiverto process and output 5.1 surround sound , your TV must have an HDMI input that supports HDCP 2 .2 copy protection . Most 4K TVs released within the last few yearshave this feature , but if yours doesn’t ,you won’t be able tomove beyond stereo audio .

You also needa Blu-ray player or another source device that can decode Dolby TrueHD or DTS -HD Master Audio —the two most common lossless multichannel formats usedon Blu-rays and Ultra HD Blu-rays—and output those signals via HDMI 2 .0a/b(not just HDMI 2 ).

Where is Cora Gold Based

Cora Gold is a precious metals company with operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Burkina Faso. The company’s flagship asset is the Liranda Corridor Project, which covers an area of 1,600 square kilometers in the southeastern DRC and includes four major gold targets: Twangiza, Kampungu, Kamituga and Mitwaba.

Cora Gold on its prospects having de-risked its flagship project


Cora Gold Ltd. (LON: CORA) share price has been on the rise today after the company announced that it had started a new drilling campaign at its flagship Sanankoro Gold Project in Mali. The first hole of the campaign has already been completed, and Cora Gold says that it is “encouraged” by the results. Further drilling is now underway, and the company expects to release more results in due course.

Investors appear to be bullish on the news, with Cora Gold’s share price up by 3% at the time of writing. The company still has a long way to go before it brings Sanankoro into production, but this latest update suggests that progress is being made.

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