10-Minute Ab Workout Alexis Ren


If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for new workout routines to help mix things up and keep your body guessing. I came across this 10-Minute Ab Workout Alexis Ren by fitness model Alexis Ren and knew I had to try it. This workout is perfect for those days when you’re short on time but still want to get in a good sweat session.

And who doesn’t love a good ab workout? I know I do! The best part about this routine is that it can be done anywhere, all you need is a mat and some motivation.

So, if you’re ready to get your sweat on, follow along with the video below and let me know how it goes in the comments!

If you’re anything like us, you’re always on the lookout for new and interesting workout ideas. So when we came across this 10-minute ab workout from fitness guru Alexis Ren, we were intrigued. The workout is made up of four exercises, each targeting a different area of the core.

And the best part? It can all be done in just 10 minutes! Here’s a breakdown of the routine:

1. Reverse Crunch: 30 seconds 2. Russian Twist: 30 seconds (each side) 3. Flutter Kicks: 30 seconds (each side)

4. Pilates Scissor: 30 seconds (each side) 5. 6 . 7 . 8 .

9 . 10 Starting with reverse crunches, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.

Place your hands behind your head and curl your hips off the ground, then slowly lower them back down. Repeat for 30 seconds. For Russian twists, sit on the ground with your knees bent and pull your abs to your spine to stabilize yourself.

Lean back slightly and twist from side to side, keeping your core engaged the whole time. Repeat for 30 seconds (15 reps on each side). Flutter kicks are next! Lie on your back with both legs extended straight up in the air and place both hands underneath your glutes for support if needed. From here, lower one leg about 6 inches towards the floor while keeping the other leg straight and level with your hip. Quickly switch legs and repeat for 30 seconds (15 reps on each side). The last exercise in this routine is Pilates scissor kicks! Start by lying on your back with both legs extended straight up towards the ceiling and reach one arm out to touch the opposite ankle as you lower that leg about 6 inches towards the floor without moving your upper body or letting your low back arch away from the floor—keep abs pulled to spine throughout movement so only leg moves; switch sides once you’ve lowered the specified number of times without moving upper body or allowing low back to arch away from the floor..

10 Minute Ab Workout Alexis Ren

Credit: www.skimble.com

Does Alexis Ren Ab Workout Work?

When it comes to working out, everyone is different. What works for one person, might not work for another. The same goes for workout routines.

Just because someone is in great shape, doesn’t mean their workout routine will work for you. So, does the Alexis Ren ab workout work? The answer is: maybe.

It really depends on your body type and how well you stick to the routine. The Alexis Ren ab workout consists of a lot of crunches and sit-ups, which can help tone your abdominal muscles. However, if you’re looking to get six-pack abs, this probably isn’t the routine for you.

You’ll need to add in some cardio and weight training to really see results. If you are willing to give the Alexis Ren ab workout a try, then go for it! But don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

Can a 10-Minute Ab Workout Be Effective?

If you’re looking to tone your stomach, 10 minutes of ab exercises can be an effective workout. It’s important to focus on quality over quantity when doing any type of workout, and that includes ab workouts. Choose a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups in your abs and take breaks in between sets so your muscles can recover.

A 10-minute routine done three times per week can help you see results if you’re consistent with your workouts.

Is It Ok to Do a 10-Minute Ab Workout Everyday?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best ab workout routine for you will depend on your fitness goals and level of fitness. However, if you’re looking to tone your abs and improve your overall health, then doing a 10-minute ab workout every day is a great way to achieve this. Some people may find that they need to do a longer or more intense ab workout routine in order to see results, but for most people, a 10-minute daily routine is all that’s needed.

And, if you find that you don’t have time for a longer workout, doing shorter workouts more frequently is actually better than trying to cram everything into one lengthy session. So, if you’re wondering whether it’s OK to do a 10-minute ab workout every day, the answer is yes – as long as you’re consistent with it and make sure that you’re challenging yourself sufficiently.

What is Alexis Ren’s Workout Routine?

Alexis Ren is a model, fitness enthusiast, and social media personality. Born in 1996, she has been gracing our screens and Instagram feeds since 2013. Alexis is known for her enviable figure, which she keeps in shape with regular workout sessions and a healthy diet.

So what does the Alexis Ren workout routine look like? The Alexis Ren workout routine revolves around five key principles: cardio, strength training, core work, balance and flexibility. Cardio is important for burning calories and improving heart health, while strength training helps to tone the muscles and build strength.

Core work helps to tighten the abs and improve posture, while balance exercises help to improve coordination. Flexibility exercises help to improve the range of motion and prevent injuries. Here is a typical workout routine that Alexis Ren might follow:

Cardio: 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging or cycling. Strength Training: 30 minutes of resistance training exercises such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and sit-ups. Core Work: 10-15 minutes of core strengthening exercises such as crunches or planks.

Balance: 10-15 minutes of balance training exercises such as yoga or Pilates. Flexibility: 10-15 minutes of stretching or foam rolling to improve flexibility.



Alexis Ren is one of the most popular fitness models in the world, and she’s known for her incredible abs. In this blog post, she shares her favorite 10-minute ab workout that you can do at home with no equipment. This workout is perfect for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike.

It includes four exercises that target your entire core, including your obliques and lower back. The best part about this workout is that it only takes 10 minutes to complete!

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